Browsing Month: April 2018

Lagom Adventures - Bucket List - Monet

“Rain Rain Go Away” Bucket List

By carolinekatie

What’s that old saying?  “April showers bring May flowers.”  If that’s the case, then May should be loaded with them!  It’s done nothing but rain for the past month. And when part of your job is an Athletic Director in charge of two baseball teams and a softball team, that’s not good! I’ve spent most […]

Lagom Adventures - Roller Derby

Revisiting a Fond Childhood Memory -Roller Derby!

By carolinekatie

For some odd know reason, I have always had a fascination with roller derby.  Maybe it stems from as a kid watching roller derby on television. I would turn the channel (yes, an actual knob) to find one of the seven channels we had that carried women’s roller derby. I remember a team called the […]

Lagom Adventures