
A Birthday Reflection

By carolinekatie

Lagom Adventures - Happy Birthday to Me

Keep calm and be crazy.  Laugh, love and live it up, because this is the oldest you’ve been and the youngest you’ll ever be.

Lagom Adventures - Happy Birthday to Me

Today I celebrate my 34th birthday and honestly it’s been a day just like any other day.  Except, like many people I’ve thought about what my life has become…and I think I like it…  I have an amazing family, great friends, a job I love, and opportunities to “adventure” unlike many other people the same age.  For these things I need to say “Thank You.”

Lagom Adventures - Happy Birthday to Me

Thank You to my parents who raised me right, taught me right from wrong, let me learn from my own mistakes but still supporting showing me support, and showing me how to enjoy my life and live life to the fullest.

Thank You to my husband Enrique, who shows me unconditional love, supports me no matter how many times I fail, and spoils me rotten.

Lagom Adventures - Happy Birthday to Me

Thank You to my kids, Tanner, August, and Oakley, for giving me someone to love and to live life for.  I want to be the inspiration to them that my parents were to me.

Lagom Adventures - Happy Birthday to Me

Lagom Adventures - Rules

Thank You to my sisters and Dwain for teaching me about bonds that can’t be unbroken no matter the circumstances, the shoulder to cry on and the ear to listen about things that we couldn’t share with anyone else because they just wouldn’t understand, and for teaching me how to FIGHT, because you never know when you are going to need some good sparring skills (verbal and physical).

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Thank You to my friends, those from the past and present, you’ve helped shape my life into what it is today.  The secrets shared, memories created, and adventures taken are never forgotten.

Lagom Adventures - Happy Birthday to Me

However, one thing I’ve learned is that despite the impact other people have had on one’s life, in the end it’s MY life and no one else’s and only I am in control of the road I choose to travel towards my future.  So that being said, this is a thank you letter to myself for getting me where I am today:

Dear Katie,

Thank you for being kind, understanding, and compassionate.  You’ve always believed in treating people the way you want to be treated: with kindness and compassion.  With respect and fairness.  Unfortunately the world and some of the people in it can be ugly, but you’re bound and determined not to be one of them.  In the face of negativity, thank you for trying to stay positive…and keep on smiling.

Thank you for setting goals and showing resiliency despite adversity to meet those goals.  There’s been so many goals, personal and professional, that you’ve met, that at times felt unattainable.  You’ve had setbacks that many people wouldn’t have overcame, but you kept strong and pushing forward.

Even though there’s so much more about you, one more thing is thank you for continuing to live your life and not just settling.  You know there’s still more to life than what you have, even though what you have already is amazing.  There’s more to discover and experience.  Continue to explore and make your time here well spent.

No you are not perfect.  You’ve made many mistakes.  There are still many obstacles you will face in the future.  But so far so good!







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