
Our New Year’s “Resolutions”

By carolinekatie

Lagom Adventures - New Year's Resolutions.

Caroline Here- I’m sitting here on New Year’s Eve with no major plans, which I actually prefer, and looking ahead to 2018. It’s that time of year that people make those resolutions that look good on paper but maybe last three months tops.

I haven’t made “the normal” resolutions for years. I know I won’t keep them so I don’t even bother. I mean I could say, “I’ll go to the gym three times a week.” But I’m not a big gym person, even though I currently have a membership. So I may go sporadically but with the pressure of a set schedule it isn’t enjoyable.

I could say, “I’ll lose 20 pounds and eat healthy.” This is a set-up for failure. Once you reach it, are you done? What happens if you lose 19? Does that make you a failure? I would be better off to say, “‘Don’t gain so much weight that you have to buy new jeans.” That’s a legitimate goal.

New Year’s Resolutions with specifics goals or the pressure to not fail, don’t make for an enjoyable year. I’m at the point in my life that I need easy and enjoyable.

Last year I decided to make it a point to document three positive things a day. Even downloaded an app – HappyFeed. I actually lasted quite a bit longer than I expected doing that. I do look for the positives in life but having to document it daily made it a chore. I don’t like chores.

This year Katie and I started this blog and wanted to concentrate on those Lagom Adventures – the just right ones. The adventures that will add quality to my life. I wanted to be an active participant in my own life. I wanted to push myself to do things I may not normally do or just to experience everything life has to offer.

Now if you have read any of our first blogs of our beliefs then you know that “Adventures” don’t have to be expensive or over-the-top. To me an adventure is anything that is new, out-of-your comfort zone, or something that adds to value to your life. (I love wandering the aisles of the grocery store – it adds value to my life.)

Yeah it can be hiking or some daredevil stunt or could it mean trying a new food or restaurant or picking a movie from a different genre (I could try sci-fi on Aaron’s behalf). One might even get wild and crazy and park in a different parking spot at work every day for a month. (Park in someone’s regular parking spot and that could turn into an adventure.) But while you are parking somewhere different, you may notice the perfect shaded spot to eat lunch or the best spot to hear the morning birds. What I’m trying to say is – don’t get stuck in a rut -make YOUR life an adventure. And that adventure can be anything that you want it to be.

With that being said, I do have some “resolutions” for myself:

1. I am going to join the 52 Hike Challenge. There are a couple different options. I am going to try 52 different trails but I’m not going to stress out if that doesn’t happen. 52 hikes may sound a bit overwhelming but I came pretty close this year without even trying. It is really only getting outside once a week. That doesn’t seem too much to stress out about.

2. Aaron and I have for the last year or so made it a conscious effort to eat someplace new each month. I’m going to continue this practice but do a better job of documenting it here.

3. Along with eating somewhere new once a month, I am going to try to “adventure” once a month other than food and hiking. Again adventure doesn’t have to be major. It may mean visiting a local historical place or just attending one of the items off our recommendations list at least once a month. More often would be great, but life and money can hamper those grand plans at times.

4. Sticking to the Once-A-Month-Theme, I need to get back into reading regularly. There were a couple years were I read over 70 books, but my interests have diversified and reading has taken the hit. My real life adventures have replaced my reading ones. I need to find the balance. This year I’m ashamed to say that I have read less than 10. So I need to up my reading game again. Based on this year’s stats, I’m going to say one book a month.

So I’m not going to challenge you to make a New Year’s Resolution. I’m going to invite you to become an active participant in YOUR own life. Step outside your normal constraints or boundaries. Experience all that life has to offer. Don’t settle for routine. Become an adventurer a Lagom Adventurer.

Lagom Adventures - Our New Year's

Katie here! My New Year’s Resolution is to “find balance” in my life again. In 2015 through the first part of 2017, I had achieved that balance in my life that I had been looking for. I had found the time to go to the gym (and enjoy it), eat/cook healthy, start some new activities (like hiking), keep up with my busy kids’ sports schedules, and just be a successful working mother. I had lost the weight I desperately needed to lose and was enjoying life!

However, things changed mid-2017 as a result of several different changes in my life. I got a new position at school that I had been working real hard towards getting for several years. Yay me! But with more important job titles, comes more responsibilities and learning all kinds of new “things” that I never had to deal with before. And it’s been quite a learning process. My beloved crossfit gym as you may know closed down (read here), so I had to join a new gym. It’s been great, but still an adjustment. Starting this blog and opening my own Lularoe store has taken up a lot of my time. And then there’s the added hiking and “adventures” themselves. Put all those things together and I have found myself in quite a “funk.”

I can’t ever seem to get everything I want to do…done. I have found that I have neglected my body by not getting the workouts I need. Hiking alone is not enough. I need crossfit in my life. So why is it when you can’t get to the gym like you need to, one also thinks it’s okay to eat what you want!?!?!?!? So has been my life.

Many of my failures to find balance have been mostly of my own doing. I’ll admit it, I’ve been lazy! I’m not sure if it’s the changes in my life that’s got me messed up or extra stressed, but it’s time to take back control.

I know I can do all those things I’ve mentioned; hiking, adventuring, blogging, working, crossfitting, mothering. I’ve always prided myself in being a master multitasker. I’ve had to take on many more “projects” at once than those before, but, like I said, I’ve just been lazy. So enough is enough!

My 2018 New Year’s Resolution is to find that “balance” I need to get my life more organized so that I can achieve what I want to achieve.

That being said, one thing I want to point out is that if I should fail, that doesn’t mean I can’t hit a “reset” at anytime during the year. I like the idea of a New Year’s Resolution, but people need to realize that you can “resolve” your life at any time you want. You can always hit the “reset” button and start again. Remember 365 New Days, 365 New Chances!

We would love to hear your resolutions!



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