
Eating My Way Through the Delta Fair

By carolinekatie

Lagom Adventures - Delta Fair

After last weekend I think I have set a new personal challenge for myself or another bucket list item – to eat my way through every county fair in Missouri. And I may as well add the state fair in there too.

Last weekend Aaron, Sam, Reese, and I took a day trip down south to Kennett.  The Delta Fair is Aaron’s “home” fair and holds a special place in his heart.  Two years ago I was able to go down and spend the weekend with his parents and help work the Farmers and Merchants’ booth.  Last year I was unable to make it, but he went and then this year we only made it for the day.

Lagom Adventures - Delta Fair

Just like Aaron had wanted to share the fair with me, Sam wanted to share it with Reese. So off we went last Saturday to spend the day at the Delta Fair.

I am not one who is usually into the county fairs.  I’m not sure why.  I was never into the rides and didn’t do any of the show stuff, so it just hasn’t been my thing.  I can’t remember the last time I went to the St. Francois County Fair (sorry Darlene).  I think the heat is usually one reason that deters me from going.  I have taken and dropped Hunter off in the last few years, but haven’t personally gone. So I can’t say that I understood Aaron’s enthusiasm for the Delta Fair.

One aspect of the fair he specifically wanted to share with me was the food – big surprise right?  I was expecting your usual Carny food, but that first year I was pleasantly surprised.  Local civic organizations in the area have their own food booths that vary in offerings.  Both years we have managed to sample the majority of them.

Lagom Adventures - Delta Fair
The Farmer and Merchants’ Booth

Now the booth that is near and dear to Aaron’s heart is the Farmers and Merchants’ booth that specializes in BBQ and World Famous Ditch Dump Beans. His dad and friends from back home run the fair booth, and it is sort of pilgrimage for him to go back and help whenever he can. The group itself meets once a month and cooks a different meal but for the fair they just do two things.  It’s like a fraternity of men who for one week of the year come together to prepare the two things they do well and share them with the rest of the county.

Lagom Adventures - Delta Fair
Aaron’s dad serving beans.

Now when I say BBQ, I would normally think of a few different items being offered – sandwiches (pork or beef), ribs, pork steaks, burgers, etc.  But here BBQ refers to one thing – a pulled pork sandwich (with a special vinegar based sauce) topped with a lightly vinegar dressed slaw.  You don’t ask for a “BBQ Sandwich.” It’s just a “BBQ.” No other explanation is needed.  Then their only other offering is beans. Beans that sell out every night. Beans that people wait for all year. I am not a baked bean fan, but these beans are pretty good even to a nonbean lover.  The beans are a secret recipe that is only known to two people, but I do know that it includes some of the pulled pork.  The beans are the star of the show.  These two items are good enough that they are the only thing the Merchants’ booth needs to sell.

Lagom Adventures - Delta Fair
A BBQ with slaw and the Beans

But the beans and BBQ aren’t the only food worth mentioning.  The first time I went we had some excellent authentic tacos with fresh cilantro and a squeeze of lime  They were good – really good.  So if we were going back this year, I was going to make sure I had more of those tacos.

So as we set off Saturday, we knew there were three things we had to have -BBQ, beans, and tacos – and then from there we would consider our options.  Aaron also wanted to have a fried pie or two but that wasn’t a must have on my list.

Lagom Adventures -Fried pies
Aaron is a fan of the fried pies.

We arrived right at noon, so the girls could get the most out their unlimited ride armbands.  We set them up then Aaron and I were ready for our fun. We stopped at the Merchants’ booth to say our “Hellos” but then we were off to make our first trip to check out the food offerings.  

No surprise we started with those tacos. One for each of us and only $2 each.  What a deal!  Corn tortillas, beef, sauteed onions, cilantro, red sauce and lime – authentic tacos and goodness in my mouth.  We were disappointed to find they were out of tamales at the moment, so the tacos would be are only purchase at this booth.  We didn’t want to wait so we headed to the canopy in the back by the smoker and sat down to eat our tacos and visit for a few minutes.  I made quick work of my taco.  I’m serious they are good.  Aaron finished close behind me.  We sat and chatted for a few more minutes before we made the next round.

Lagom Adventures - The Best Tacos
The Best Tacos

The next round started about a half hour later.  We made another loop and decided on the BBQ, beans, and a tornado potato based on Jason’s recommendation with the intentions of sharing all three. Remember Lagom Rule #23 – be prepared to share the food.  I’ve already told you about the beans and BBQ, so let me just share the potato.  The tornado potato is a  spiral thin cut potato on a skewer that is fried to a crisp. I ordered the loaded which included cheese, chili, onions, and bell peppers.  It did not disappoint.  So again we ate, we visited, and then we were ready for round three.  But before we started round three, we were offered the rest of a funnel cake and who can resist a funnel cake? I can’t.

Lagom Adventures - Potato Tornado
The Loaded Potato Tornado

The big debate about round three was “real” food or dessert.  I made the executive decision on dessert because I had my eye on two different ones.  Aaron and I don’t always agree on the dessert options, so we went our separate ways and then would meet back.  I knew exactly where Aaron was going – the fried pies.  He came back with both a peach and an apricot.  While he was waiting in line for those, there was a mix-up on the order in front of him and he took the cannoli which he knew I was wanting.  I had chosen the fried ice cream topped with caramel sauce and served with a side of cinnamon tortilla chips.  I had this two years ago and this year’s was just as good.  We ate. We shared. We visited.  And then we were full.

Lagom Adventures - Fried Ice Cream
Some mighty fine fried ice cream


Aaron and I’s day was complete.  We had gotten what we had came for – food and company.  There were several items that we would have liked to have eaten this time, but just didn’t make the cut.  One being the Tyrone burger -another secret recipe- which I had the first time.  This is another item specific to the area. I am a chicken and dumpling lover, but it just didn’t seem like quite the right food to eat at a county fair, so in a rare instance I skipped this offering.  There were also a large list of fried items that we didn’t try this time such as fried cookie dough and fried butter.  We had the fried Oreos the first time.  I wish we had the time and stomach to eat even more, but I wasn’t up to making myself sick.

The girls were still riding rides and finding their own food to eat, so we decided to take a lap and check out the other options at the fair – the  exhibits and the people.  Excellent people watching.  The exhibits were interesting – seeing what people entered and which ones won. I would never have thought a hedgeapple could be an entry. But again the people watching was a show within itself.

After a few hours of riding rides, the girls had had their fill and had made their own round of eating, so our day was about over. We could have stayed for the demolition derby, but we were all full and ready to head home.  

We came. We saw. We conquered the Delta Fair in our own way. Mine just happened to be eating my way through the food vendors. It was a good day.

So after reflecting on last weekend, I wonder what other unique or region specific foods are out there for me (we) to try.  So in the spirit of adventuring, I would like to attend and eat my way through all the county fairs plus the state fair..  This may be a large feat considering there are 114 counties in Missouri, but I am eager to give it my best shot.  And I am willing to bet that my two best adventuring partners, Aaron and Katie, are game for the challenge too.

Are there any fair foods out there that I should try or that you recommend?



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