
Bucket List Adventures – Round 3

By carolinekatie

Lagom Adventures - Bucket List

It’s that time for our third installment of our Bucket List Adventures.

So we have decided on the 10th of every month, we are going to share 10 items from our “Bucket” Lists – the everyday adventures and the big ones. Some we may have already checked off and others we will be working towards. As we said in “Why Are We Doing This,” we aren’t here to brag or say look at us, but here to share our ideas with you and in return for you to share your ideas with us.

We are adding something new this month and will continue this in the future. But we have asked one of our friends and fellow adventurers to share 10 of their own Bucket List items.

Our first featured Bucket List contributor is Crystal Reese!

Lagom Adventures

But first here are Katie and
Caroline’s Bucket Lists

Caroline’s List

1. Camper Van – In the last few weeks I have added some new ones to my original list. The first being I would like to convert/renovate/own a camper van. A retro looking camper van but it doesn’t necessarily have to be a Volkswagon. Just something that I can make feel retro. After having a long discussion with Aaron about this, I also don’t want a panel van. I want something with plenty of windows to make it feel bigger than it is. I also won’t miss any of those spectacular views that I will be passing by as I traverse the country in my camper van. I loved my old white Caravan, so I’m sure I will love a camper van as well. I can only imagine how helpful it would have been on all those cross country baseball trips.

2. Minivan ✔️ And owning a minivan was actually on my list. I’m not sure why. Most people would put sporty or expensive cars on their list. But me, I’m a realist and wanted a minivan. I had just started taking some family vacations with the kids and my parents, so I knew that I minivan would serve a good purpose. And it did family vacations, baseball trips, and me & you trips. I miss that van at times and will probably have another again someday. (Did I mention that I could haul half the house around with me and not have to load and unload it?) Everybody wanted to make fun of the van until I had something in there I needed. Probably the most impressive packing job I ever did was fitting three people, ten fishing poles, and two kayaks inside that van!

Lagom Adventures - Bucket List
I fit two kayaks inside that van!

3. Eat at all the County Fairs  -If you read my “I Ate My Way Through the Delta Fair” then you already know that I have added attending every Missouri County fair to try the food. Plus I’m going to add the State Fair in there as well. I found some impressive food at the Delta Fair, so the other fairs have a high standard to meet.

4. Tom Petty ✔️✔️✔️ Also if you are friends with me on Facebook or read “You Deserve to Feel Free – What I Learned from Tom Petty” then you know that I was a big fan. Seeing Tom Petty wasn’t on my original bucket list because I had already seen him, but he most definitely would have been. So I am adding this one in hindsight because it would have made the list.

5.  Rod Stewart ✔️✔️If we are talking musical artists on my the list then I have a few more. One being see Rod Stewart. This was on my original list and I can check it off twice. I originally saw Rod in 2007 or 2008. The concert had been cancelled because he wasn’t feeling well but was scheduled to a later date a few months later which worked to my advantage. At the rescheduled concert, several of the floor seats were empty so people in the nosebleeds were given floor seats. I was just lucky enough to be one of those people. Again after seeing this first Rod concert, I knew that my dad would enjoy it, so I bought tickets the next time he came to town. That happened to be in 2014 when Rod was touring with Santana. Both were excellent shows. If given the chance, I would go see him again.
There are two more musicians on my list, but I will save those for another day.

6. Visit Lake Moraine in Banff National Park – I was first introduced to these amazing turquoise waters on a travel show and I have been intrigued ever since. I want my picture sitting on that rock with the water, trees, mountains, and sky behind me.

7. Learn to Can ✔️ – Another item on my original list. I’ve decided I’m an old soul or lived a former life as a prairie wife because I enjoy several of those old skills. My mom knew of this desire so several years ago for Christmas she bought me all the essentials to start water bath canning. I have since canned pickles, salsa, salsa verde, and  numerous jams. Jams that I happen to sell if you need any 😉. 

Lagom Adventures - Jam
An assortment of my canned jam. Ask me about Kentucky Bar Fight.

8. Learn to pressure cooker canning – I would say I have gotten pretty good at water bath canning, so I think at some point I would like to can ussing the pressure cooker. It’s a little different and a bit intimidating.

9. Pay off my student loans – Bwahaa! This was on my original list and will still probably be on my list 10 years from now. I would like to have them paid off before I retire. I should add these are loans for both my Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree.  Some day I will check this off.

10. Change a Tire – Another one on my original list. I know the steps on how to change a tire but have never had to physically do it. And for that I am grateful. And now I have Aaron and AAA, so if I never have to check this one off then that will be fine by me.

Katie’s Bucket List: Featuring my two favorite things….Food and Adventure!

1. Eat something with truffles! I watch a lot of cooking shows and they always make a big deal about truffles, so I want to see what it’s all about.

2. Brunch at 12 West. 12 West is a restaurant that is literally right down the road for my house. It’s one of my local favorites. On Sunday’s they have a special brunch menu and I have never eaten there during that time! I see pictures all the time of my friends there on Sunday’s and for whatever reason I just haven’t made it down there. Hopefully this will be an easy bucket list item to complete!

Lagom Adventures - 12 West
I have eaten at 12 West for dinner several times including Caroline’s 40th Birthday.

3. So I saw this amazing advertisement for a Milk and Cookie Bar on Facebook a few months ago. It’s actually called Blondie’s Milk and Cookie Bar. There’s really nothing better than a cold glass of milk and with some cookies dipped in it. I especially love when I’m out of cookies and then get to finish up the milk with the leftover cookie chunks floating in it! Yum! Yum! LOL. So this place seems perfect! Only problem is, it’s in LONDON! I guess I will just skip on over there when I get a chance….or maybe somebody needs to open one around here!

4. Being an 80s baby, I never really got into the Andy Griffiths Show, but one show I loved watching was Matlock! I watched that show all the time during the summers while on summer break. It was the perfect combination of mystery and comedy for me. So when I saw an article about the Andy Griffith Festival, I knew that was something I needed to add to my Bucket List. After doing a little more research, it’s actually called Mayberry Days in Andy’s hometown of Mount Airy, North Carolina. I smell Road Trip!

5. Snowmobile! I’ve never done it and it just looks like good fun. Being from Missouri, we never get enough consistent snow to warrant people to buy one, so a trip up North or to Colorado, or even Alaska may be in order.

6. After participating in the first ever Hiking Race this past summer, it has inspired me to want to create a Lagom Adventures Race Team or Hiking Club (can’t decide). My goal would be to get a good group of people together to “train” and as these hiking events come up, we participate together as a team. I love hiking for the relaxation aspect, but the competitor in my also loves the idea of doing it on a more competitive level. There will be more on this in the future.

Lagom Adventures - Hiking
My first of hopefully many hiking races

7. While on my road trip to Richmond last month, we went through Louisville, KY and crossed the Ohio River. While crossing, I noticed a large steamboat going down the river. After doing a little research, I discovered that you can take a ride on said steamboat. That would be an easy weekend trip from Missouri at some point.

8. Hike Devil’s Icebox in Arcadia/Ironton/Pilot Knob, MO. This hike has been off limits for years now because of a death that took place around the summit. Every so often permits are made available for a guided tour up there. I missed my chance to go a few weeks ago and became very jealous of friends who did get to make the trip up. So the parks department in charge of those permits will be getting frequent phone calls from me until they decide to give me a permit to go up! I’m sure there are people who do it illegally, but I can’t do that because then I couldn’t share the adventure with all of you!

Okay, now for two more extreme adventures:

9. Rainbow Mountains in Peru. Saw a picture on Pinterest and just knew it needed to go on the list.

10. Everest Base Camp! I’m sure climbing Everest is one of every adventurer’s ultimate goals…not mine. I think I would be terrified! I would be content just to get to the base camp and hang out for a few days.

And now here’s Crystal’s

I have dreams, like you — no, really! Just much less touchy-feely. They mainly happen somewhere warm and sunny. On an island that I own, tanned and rested and alone. Surrounded by enormous piles of money. – Flynn Rider

My bucket list. Adventures my heart seeks most so that I may feel as though I’m living this life to its fullest. A life where on the day that I take my last breath I can smile Knowing I wouldn’t Have wanted to do it any other way.

1. I want to meet Dolly Parton. I want to shake her hand (hug actually. I’m a hugger) introduce myself and just hear her laugh in person. Preferably at the Grand Ole Opry.

2. The Great Cheeseburger hunt. I want to find and indulge in THE BEST cheeseburger. This is an ongoing adventure as I try new places and burgers until I find THE ONE!

3. I want to learn to speak Bosnian and become fluent in Spanish. 

4. AmigaHonduras. I want to travel with Amiga to Honduras with the doctors across borders team trekking through the jungles giving treatment and care to those who have no access to or means for healthcare. (Thus another reason to become fluent in Spanish).

5. Wild. The Pacific Crest Trail. Yes I want to do the trail in the book. I have no desire to do all of it, but I do want to do some.

6. Eat my way through Italy. A vacation mainly dedicated to the food. Maybe I should add Italian to my language list.

7. I want to see my son hit a home run.

8. Weekend trip to the Smokies with my best friend (aka my hot husband). We want to tour the distilleries and hike a multitude of different trails.

9. I want to do a backflip. I realize at my age I will have to be assisted but I want it to be work and effort from my end as well. No throwing a cord on me and flipping me over.

10. A Broadway play. I adore going to the Fabulous Fox And one day I would really like to get dressed up and go see a play on Broadway. I haven’t chosen exactly what I would want to see but I assume that’ll come in time.

Bonus – I’m only supposed to do 10 but I have one more desire in my heart. Algebra. I’m awful at algebra. I’ve had an amazing tutor who took me all the way through to college algebra but I don’t retain it. So I want to conquer algebra and well enough that I can get high score on a placement test. Why? Because to me being able to further your education and go back to school opens so many new doors to adventure.

Be thinking of some of your own because we may just ask you to share them!

Check out previous lists HERE




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